Top 5 Things That Impact Your Ultrasonic Weld

When dealing with plastics, numerous factors can impact your weld, from ultrasonic tooling to the frequency used. To get the best weld, you need to make sure you have a thorough grasp of the following factors.

1. Frequency

Typically, ultrasonic welding is done with a frequency of 15 to 40 kHz. However, many parameters can be used to determine the best frequency for the product you have, and adhering to these will make your welding experience much easier.

2. Materials

Obviously, thermoplastics are the best type of materials for ultrasonic welding because they melt. Using thermosetting materials is never a good idea because they will degrade when exposed to heat and make this process more complex.

3. Joint Design

One of the most critical aspects of welding is the joint design. It should be considered as early as the design stage for the product. Despite the advances in ultrasonic welding, not all of them will be easily welded together. Choose the correct type of joint for the materials, geometry, weld requirements, and cosmetic features you plan to use.

4. Tooling

Tooling, such as horns, are critical for the welding process. Having the right one is the best way to achieve an effective weld. Traditionally, people have always tried to find name brand tooling. However, these may not always be right for your project, and you can find better off-brand tooling.

5. Parameters

Many parameters can influence how your weld turns out. Things such as pressure, trigger force, and tolerance limits can all impact your weld’s outcome. To correct these, you will need to make adjustments to your welder. For instance, making adjustments to your machine’s pressure settings can be the difference between an effective and ineffective weld.

Many different things can impact how your weld turns out. Considering these factors and adjusting accordingly means that you are more likely to get a solid weld.