Millions of disabled Americans receive Social Security Disability Income or Supplemental Security Income as a means of staying afloat in terms of finances after becoming unable to work as a direct result of health problems. The United States government wants to make sure that people who find themselves unable to work after getting injured or coming down with serious health issues will have enough money to live on.

However, because the acceptance processes for Social Security Disability Income and Supplemental Security Income alike are relatively stringent, many people don’t get accepted. Here are several of the most popular issues that people without attorneys face when trying to survive on their own.
You make too much money to receive these benefits
In order to receive monthly cash payments as a part of the Supplemental Security Disability Income program, you can’t make anything over a certain monthly wage. For the year of 2018, the upper limit of income people was able to haul in and still receive SSDI was $1,180 per month.
If you report making more than $1,180 per month, it might just be time to apply for insurance through Obamacare, find employment at a business that offers health insurance coverage, or otherwise gain access to health insurance.
If your injury isn’t that bad, you can’t get SSDI or SSi
One of the most important factors in determining whether people are eligible for these two programs is that their injuries, diseases, or other disabilities have to last for a minimum of 12 months. Further, if it’s likely that the impairment in question is serious enough to cause the person suffering from it to die, people can also receive help through one of these two programs.
If you do this thing, you won’t be allowed to remain in these programs
Unfortunately for people who suffer from substance abuse disorder, people who use drugs – including alcohol – that contribute directly to the disease they have, they can’t receive SSDI or SSI.
To make sure you can get disability help, seek out assistance for things like torn acl workers comp settlement portland or.